
This website was created between August 24, 2022 and August 31, 2022 and is hosted by spacehippie.ca, a server running on a raspberry pi 4 model B. It went live 8/31/2022. The first few days were spent learning HTML and CSS as I had no experience with either before hand. As a result of this, this website is not terribly optomized by any means, but it does have the late 90's/early 2000's aesthetic I was aiming for. One of the main upgrades I would like to make in the future would be to make this website a bit more mobile friendly, however, at the time of writing this (8/30/2022) I'm getting tired of looking at html and css so it'll be awhile before that update comes.

As for the collection, I've been collecting calculators since early 2020. Most of my collection has been sourced locally through various means, if I was buying online my collecion would be a lot larger and probably more interesting, but I would also probably be broke. The main focus of my collection is usually Texas Instruments graphing calculators, but I'll generally buy anything that peaks my interest.



After putting it off for almost a year I've finally got around to updating the website. Unfortunately for you this update contains nothing that you will notice. The main change I've made is that the sidebar visible on most of this websites pages is now a single document that all other pages reference. This is a huge quility of life improvement for me, since I've been meaning to reorganize the website and change some of the categories which would have been a pretty tedious undertaking with the old method. As per usual I now have a large back catolog to get through, but now that I've made this one change that I had told myself I need to make before adding anymore pages, I can get back to adding all of my new aquisitions. Hopefully the next update isn't another year away, but I'm not willing to make any promises.


Got a few more from my back catalogue cleaned that only required a minor cleaning and have added them to the website. With this update the total number of entries has increased to 117! Since its only been a day between updates I've left all of yesterdays updates on the Newest Entry page (Those being Texas Instruments TI-1025, Texas Instruments TI-32, Texas Instruments TI-34, Texas Instruments SR-50A, Faber-Castelle 67/87Rb Rietz, Casio FX-CG50, Burroughs C 3155, and Commodore SR4912) and added the following entries: Casio fx-82LA Plus, Sharp EL-520X, Kempten Bayern Planimeter, Radio Shack EL-376, and Canon DM-4800. There are 3 calculators remaining to be cleaned, however, they require a deeper cleaning and I really don't want to right now. For roughly none of you curious, the remaining 3 are a TI-82, a TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, and an Olivetti Divisumma 37PD. But anyway, thanks for looking around, enjoy.


Had some more time to work away at the back catalogue, got a few more cleaned up and added from that estate sale I went to way back in november 2022 as well as some more recent acquisitions. The new entries in this update are as follows: Texas Instruments TI-1025, Texas Instruments TI-32, Texas Instruments TI-34, Texas Instruments SR-50A, Faber-Castelle 67/87Rb Rietz, Casio FX-CG50, Burroughs C 3155, and Commodore SR4912. This brings the total number of entries on this website is up to 112! There are around 8 calculators left to add as well as those two vintage home computers I've got to get around to cleaning. School is over for the summer now and my Co-op is starting soon so hopefully I won't be long getting the remaining entries added. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the collection.


I got around to getting some of my back log added to the website a bit sooner than I expected. 8 new entries were added in this update (those entries being PS-6200, Radio Shack TRS-80 PC-4, Radio Shack TRS-80 Aviation, Radio Shack TRS-80 PC-1 cassette interface, MB-4A, Sun Hemmi 341 3526, Sun Hemmi 341 3215, and Sun Hemmi NO.1762) and some minor formattting things were updated. This brings the total number of entries on this website is up to 104! There are 10 calculators I have left to add as well as 2 vintage home computers that I would like to put up on here somewhere. All of the remaining ones need to be cleaned up or repaired, so their entries will most likely be pretty slow going up. Hopefully these few new entries will satiate the many many ravenous fans of this website for the time being. Anyways, thanks for taking a look, hope you enjoy the website.


No new entries were added in this update, however all of the websites images have been compressed to hopefully improve load times. I have acquired roughly 20-25 new calculators/slide rules since the last update that have yet to be catalogued. Some highlights of the recent acquisitions are a TRS-80 pocket PC-4, a flight computer slide rule (can't remember the exact model at the moment), an Olivetti Divisumma 37PD, a couple late 70s TI calculators, a few Sun-Hemmi slide rules, and some others that I'm forgetting since I'm away from my collection at the time of writing this. In addition to the calculators, I've also acquired two vintage home computers, a Macintosh classic II (currently not working, needs recapped), and a TI-99/4A which I will probably add a new section for. Turns out the TI-99/4A is capable of connecting to the internet via a modem expansion, or using a Raspberry Pi as a more modern solution. Knowing this, it's now my goal to connect my machine to the internet and make this website, or at least some portion of it, browsable on a TI-99/4A.

To all of the many many people out there who I can only assume check here daily for new updates on my giant old garbage hoard, hopefully I'll get through my backlog at some point in the coming months. It's currently midterm season, so the reason for this update is mostly rooted in procrastination and I probably won't get to any major updates for another month or two, knowing myself. But anyway, if you're reading this, thanks for stopping by, and enjoy the website.


Added one new entry to the website, TI-1890 (TI Converter). As of this update there are 96 entries on this website.


Added two new entries to the website, HP-20s and TI-108. As of this update there are 95 entries on this website.


The last remaining calculator has been added to the website which means my entire collection has now been catalogued. It has become abundantly clear that I have far too many and I should probably cut back on buying more, but I'll probably end up at value village this weekend anyway. There are now 93 entries on this website.


1 out of the 2 remaining entries that needed to be added have been added. The remaining calculator still need to be cleaned and I'm still too lazy to do it right now. As of this update there are 92 entries on this website.


1 out of the 3 remaining entries that needed to be added have been added. The remaining 2 still need to be cleaned and I'm still too lazy to do it right now. As of this update there are 91 entries on this website.


1 out of the 4 remaining entries that needed to be added have been added. The remaining 3 still need to be cleaned and I'm too lazy to do it right now. As of this update there are 90 entries on this website.


5 out of the 9 remaining entries that needed to be added have been added. The remaining 4 still need to be cleaned and I'm too lazy to do it right now. The highlight of this update is definitely the HP42S. As of this update there are 89 entries on this website.


The 24 entries that needed to be added have been added and all of the entries have been edited and missing information has been filled in. The 9 calculators that I bought yesterday (9/2/2022) still need to be cleaned up and then added. After that my whole collection should finally be uploaded to this website. Currently there are 84 entries on this website.


Pictures have been added to all 60 of the entries currently on the website and the document title for each page has been changed so it displays correctly and the tab doesnt just say document. A few pages were rearranged, and the featured page was filled in. I still need to go through each entry and add some information thats been missed and update the descriptions. As of this morning there were 24 entries left to add to the website, however, as of this evening, after a trip to value village, there are 33 left to add. I'm beginning to think I have a problem.


The website has gone live, currently there are 60 entries, 15 with pictures. I've been back in New Brunswick for the summer and away from most of my collection so I only have entries for the calculators I was certian I owned and pictures for the ones I acquired while I've been here or brought with me. I'll be returning home soon and the remaining pictures and 20 or so calculator entries will be added soon.